W koncercie udział wezmą znakomici artyści: soliści Metropolitan Opera w Nowym Jorku: Isabel Leonard, Mireille Asselin, Brandie Sutton oraz Adam Plachetka, pianiści Kevin Kenner zwycięzca i Juror Międzynarodowego Konkursu Pianistycznego im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie, Eric Lu zdobywca IV nagrody na XVII Międzynarodowym Konkursie Pianistycznym im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie w 2015 roku, Juan Perez Floristan - zwycięzca Międzynarodowego Konkursu Pianistycznego im. A. Rubinsteina w Tel Avivie w 2021 roku, Antonij Boryszewskij zwycięzca tego konkursu w 2014 roku oraz Steven Lin - laureat drugiego miejsca tego konkursu, Wayne Marshall - brytyjski dyrygent, organista i pianista, Takeshi Nagayasu - laureat Konkursu Chopinowskiego Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej w Nowym Jorku, Kamil Pacholec - finalista ostatniego Międzynarodowego Konkursu Pianistycznego im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie, Marek Bracha jeden z czterech pianistów reprezentujących Polskę w II etapie XVI Międzynarodowego Konkursu Chopinowskiego w Warszawie, Marta Gidaszewska jedna z najwybitniejszych skrzypaczek młodego pokolenia, Michał Francuz charyzmatyczny pianista i pedagog, Mikołaj Wojciechowski wiolonczelista, laureat I nagrody Złotych Nagród Muzyki Klasycznej z udziałem w koncercie laureatów w Carnegie Hall, Rafał Błaszczyk - laureat m.in. Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu Pianistycznego im. F. Chopina, wystąpią również soliści baletu.
The war in Ukraine continues. In the middle of a terrible humanitarian crisis, children are suffering. The situation of the youngest inhabitants of Ukraine is dramatic and getting worse every day. Children are killed, injured, become human shields, forced to leave their homes and places where they felt safe, experiencing deep trauma. As a sign of solidarity, our foundation organizing a unique CHARITY CONCERT FOR CHILDREN IN UKRAINE
The concert will feature outstanding artists, including soloists from the Metropolitan Opera in New York: Isabel Leonard, Mireille Asselin, Brandie Sutton and Adam Plachetka, pianists Kevin Kenner - winner and Juror of the Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition in Warsaw, Eric Lu winner of the 4th prize at the 17th Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition in Warsaw in 2015, Juan Perez Floristan winner of the A. Rubinstein Piano Competition in Tel Aviv in 2021, Antonij Boryszewskij winner in 2014 and Steven Lin second prize winner of that competition, Takeshi Nagayasu winner of the Chopin Competition of the Kosciuszko Foundation, Wayne Marshall British conductor, organist and pianist, Conductor of Funkhaus Orchestra Cologne, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, Porgy & Bess in Vienna, Kamil Pacholec finalist of the last International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw, Marek Bracha one of the four pianists representing Poland in the second round of the 16th International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. His playing is characterized by nobility and beauty of sound as well as restrained and sophisticated expression, Marta Gidaszewska one of the greatest violinists of the younger generation. She participated in nearly 79 violin competitions winning 56 awards including first place. Michał Francuz charismatic pianist and pedagogue, Mikołaj Wojciechowski cello, first prize winner of the Golden Classical Music Awards with the participation in the winners’ concert at the Carnegie Hall, Rafał Błaszczyk laureate of the National Chopin Piano Competition, the great ballet soloists among others.
The concert is organized in cooperation with the Saint Nicholas Foundation, which for 20 years has been helping children all over the world, including children from Mariupol and Aleppo. The Foundation has been running the Saint Nicholas Day Care Center in Mariupol, which was burned down a few days ago and the soldiers who were defending it were killed. At the beginning of March, the Foundation launched the International Logistics Centre in Chorzów, whose aim is to transfer humanitarian aid from all over Europe to Ukraine. Every day, transports set off from Poland to Ukraine. More about the foundation at mikolaj.org.pl
The online concert will premiere on Easter Sunday, April 17 at 8 p.m. and will remain online until Sunday, April 24
During this time, a fundraiser will be held to help children. Every donation is a chance for another child. No one in the peaceful territories can understand what it is like to go to bed and not know if there will be a tomorrow. “I have only one dream: to wake up in the morning and find out that the war has ended in Ukraine,” wrote one of the foundation’s charges from Mariupol. Funds raised during the concert will go directly to the account of the Saint Nicholas Foundation and will be immediately directed to those in need.
We hope that the support of the international audience will be a sign of empathy and will strengthen solidarity with the Ukrainian people so painfully experienced by war, will bring help and encouragement to the innocent and weakest – Children in Ukraine
The Saint Nicholas Foundation accepts donations via PayPal: [email protected] or by wire transfer to.
Recipient: Saint Nicholas Foundation, transfer title: concert aid for children from Ukraine
Deposits in PLN: account number: 37 2130 0004 2001 0299 9993 0002
Euro, USD, GBP deposits:
Bank name: Bank Pekao SA